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Health & Wellness

The black communities has experienced higher uninsured rates, being more likely to go without care due to cost, and worse reported health status with Black Woman being more likely than other racial and ethnic groups to die from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, lupus, and several cancers.


As a community, we have the power to enhance health equity in the black community by prioritizing accessible healthcare services, increasing health education and awareness, advocating for policies that address social determinants of health, and partnering with community organizations to address specific health disparities. By actively listening to the needs of the community and working collaboratively, we can create meaningful and sustainable changes that promote health equity for all.

Good Health Wins (GHW)

Good Health WINs is an organization that aims to improve health outcomes by reducing health disparities and increasing vaccination opportunities through education and advocacy.   


Annual Health Fair

Our community health fair is dedicated to enhancing community health and promote health and well-being. By providing information on good health practices and offering basic screenings and assessments, attendees can take proactive steps toward a healthier lifestyle.


Community Outreach

Our goal in developing an information table is to raise awareness about health issues that have a significant impact on the black community. We actively engage in events with the primary aim of disseminating crucial health and immunization information to individuals of all ethnicities, with a strong focus on the black community. Please consider clicking the button below to submit a formal request to have NCNW Richmond participate at your upcoming event, we would love to be a vendor.



Experience dynamic online events hosted by NCNW Richmond, featuring engaging speakers on a variety of health topics. Join large audiences in actively participating by submitting questions, participating in polls, and utilizing interactive tools.


National Health Initiative

Health equity is a vital national concern. All NCNW Sections are actively advocating for health equity in their communities, and our National office is leading this cause on a national scale!

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